

Click on a thumbnail to enlarge. The full-size image will be displayed in a separate window.

Game screenshots

A four-player game with the space theme.
[space theme]

A four-player game with the icons3d theme.
[icons3d theme]

A four-player game with the gnomed theme.
[gnomed theme]

A four-player game with the 0.6.3 theme.
The bomb sprites are slightly different from those in 0.6.0-0.6.2.
[screen shot 1]

A four-player game with the 0.6.0-0.6.2 theme:
[screen shot 2]

A four-player game with the 0.4-0.5 theme:
[screen shot 3]

Preferences dialog screeenshots

The first page of the preferences dialog:
[preferences dialog]

Player controls customization:
[Player keymap preferences]

Adjustment of various numeric game parameters:
[Numeric preferences]

Adjustment of the probabilities of getting different power-ups:
[Power-up preferences]

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Last update: 2002-03-08
Send comments to <stang At users Dot sourceforge Dot net>.
Copyright © 2000-2002 by Sydney Andrew Tang. All Rights Reserved.